What started out as a cooperative divorce can turn instantly sour if a spouse makes any of the following 10 mistakes. The Lowell divorce lawyers will affirm that avoiding these will decrease your stress, as well as the financial cost of divorce.
- Acting Out of Emotion- Being calm & cordial is the easiest way to get through the divorce process and make it efficient, acting out may cause you to regret that decision later.
- Not Knowing about Property Division- Whether your state is a community property or not affects the way your property is divided.
- Invalid pre or post nuptial agreements- Double check to make sure that your pre or post nuptial agreements are legal and valid before you try to enforce an invalid point.
- Not Recognizing a “Mourning Period”- Hold off on making any rash decisions until you have had time to mourn your loss.
- Posting on Social Media Recklessly- Before posting anything on social media about your ex, be careful and don’t post anything that could be used against you in court, because not everything can be erased.
- Misunderstanding Ex- Spouse- When communicating through a divorce it is good to use a mediator or mutual friend to avoid miscommunication.
- Forgetting the Children- Remember that taking care of the children affected by the divorce is extremely important and should be a priority.
- Avoiding Alimony Payments- If you “forget” to pay your spousal support, it may be forced upon you.
- Not Getting a Lawyer- Divorce can be an extremely difficult thing to deal with and understand, getting a divorce attorney can ensure that the divorce goes smoothly and you understand everything.
- Forgetting you Made the Decision- A lot of times during a divorce, emotions run so high that people forget that the decision to get a divorce was mutual. By focusing on the positives, you can reduce stress and embrace the future.
Divorce is not easy for anyone involved, if you have any questions about divorce, alimony or child support or are interested in our divorce attorney services please contact us at 877-829-0831.